Duo Delivers Thousands Of Meals To New York City Hospitals For Free To Honor Late Dad
Most restaurants in New York City remain closed since March. It gave an opportunity to Jeffrey Kaplow and his friend Jennifer Asher to support his community. The duo delivered their first round of meals to a hospital. Gratified by the response, they decided to do something more. Thus started a project which soon blossomed into […]
One Thing That Hasn’t Changed…Music
Music has been around for a long time. The origin of music is unknown as it occurred prior to recorded history. Music has evolved from early man developing primitive flutes from animal bones to the varied music of today. Moving through the history of music reveals evidence of its role in sacred and secular settings. Somewhere […]
Crayola Launches Colorful Campaign to Thank Essential Workers
Crayola is a company that is renowned for being a world leader in offering colorful art supplies geared towards children. From crayons to markers to paints and stamp kits, Crayola both inspires and celebrates creativity. In the Spring of 2020, the coronavirus caused mass lockdowns to encourage the safe practice of social distancing. “Essential” workers […]