A.M. Money Simplifying Student Loan Approval to Help Low Income Group Students
At times when everyone is struggling to survive physically as well as financially, one community that is facing the hardship of managing finance and time is the student community. Amid prevailing uncertainty over the academic session and evolving mode of education, a Chicago-based startup, A.M. Money, is helping students from lower and middle-income families by […]
Good News: ‘Dad Gang’ Celebrating Black Fatherhood
During this time of racial inequality and stress from the pandemic, a group of dads have come together to show what it’s truly like to be a modern Black dad. Good Samaritans ‘Dad Gang’ showing the importance of fathers The Dad Gang was established by Sean Williams, driving to change how the world views Black […]
Hannaford Donates $250,000 to Support 250 Local Farms in New England and New York
The impact of the global health crisis is now visible across all sectors. One of the least talked about is the agriculture and allied sectors. Since the priority of the government is to save lives first, agronomy is feeling neglected. Thankfully there are some, like Hannaford Supermarkets, who are mobilizing funds to support the agrarian-community […]