Rockland Graduates Told to Achieve Positive Changes With Hard Work and Kindness

Graduation day is a special day for all students, but the health crisis has shattered several dreams this year.  Some schools are mobilizing all possible resources to make it possible for students to live the moment. Rockland High School is one of them. Social-distancing is an unfortunate reality but necessary. So friends and families gathered […]

Samaritan Early Learning Center Gets Grant to Expand Library

The ongoing health crisis has disrupted normal schooling across the world, and it is unlikely to normalize soon. Thankfully, several great souls are making contributions to help schools and learning centers manage resources in difficult times. One such act of doing good came to light in North Lincoln County. The Walter R. Behrens Foundation donated […]

Nurse Saves Three New Born From Hospital Destroyed In Beirut Blast

“Whenever a child is born, it shows that God has not lost faith in humanity.” The massive Beirut explosion has killed over 100 persons, maimed hundreds and caused property damage worth $15 billion. Photojournalist Bilal Jawich was at home when he heard the first explosion. An even stronger second explosion followed it. Talking to CNN […]