Joseph’s wisdom on good and evil

This is a great picture of brothers. You can see their personalities, their joy, and a lot more. What you can’t see is their future. They can’t see it either, and most likely they aren’t even looking. Joseph had brothers who probably looked like that together at one point, though you’d have to substitute some […]

52% of Christians Believe ‘Doing Good’ Will Get People Into Heaven: Study

The existence and greatness of God are universally acknowledged, but the dynamics of faith change with time. The latest survey was conducted by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University. The survey indicates that people believe in doing good to experience eternal salvation. Doing Good for Salvation, Enough? The survey titled ‘American Worldview Inventory […]

Apple Vows To Be 100% Carbon Neutral For Its Product Life-Cycle By 2030

The Cupertino based Digital Giant; APPLE has pledged it will be 100% Carbon Neutral for its Supply Chain and Product Life-cycle by the end of 2030. The plan unveiled last month aims to make every Apple device sold by 2030 will have zero climate impact. The most valuable company is already Carbon Neutral for its […]