

Jimmy Buffet Escapes

How I got there was an interesting path, but where I landed was even more interesting. It was on a longish quote by Jimmy Buffet about his music, copied here. “It’s pure escapism is all it is…I’m not the first one to do it, nor shall I probably be the

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Are you entitled?

Perhaps you know the name Nick Faldo. If you have followed professional golf in the last ten years, the odds are pretty good that you do. He’s a British lad who achieved a lot in the game and has now become a popular announcer of golf for CBS. The other

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Does doing good come with risks?

A new friend asked me recently if people who routinely do good (he was referring to Christians, but the question applies to anyone) are likely to be taken advantage of by those who do evil. It’s a good question, and I thought I’d written about it not long ago. But

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Setting the bar just a little lower

Way back in the dark ages I took — as many did — a high school class in geometry. Or perhaps it was calculus, though I doubt it. The reason is that math in general did not appeal to me, and the esoteric side of math left me cold. Addition,

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Being a Good Samaritan and doing nice things for others can help reduce physical pain

Pain. Is it just a pain, or a chance to do good?

A friend and I were discussing history at lunch this week. That makes us sound “academic,” I suppose, or philosophical, but our topic was not American History or World History, it was golf history. As it turns out, this friend (Dennis) and I have a lot of things in common.

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You Are What You Eat, so they say

If “they” (above) are correct, I am currently a banana. I have been accused of being bananas, so perhaps we’ve found the cause! In point of fact, the original statement was not to be taken literally. That was way back in 1826, when this phrase was used in a book

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Good is Greater than Safe

Life, in so many ways, can be full of surprises. One way I’m often surprised is by meeting new friends, especially out of — as the saying goes — the blue. In the middle of this week, for instance, I was invited by a good friend to play in a

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gray telephone

Phone a friend

I’ve been thinking about friends and friendship over the past few weeks. Part of that was triggered, I know, by the news that my long-time friend Steve had suddenly become very sick and was in the ICU fighting for his life. That news came from our mutual friend, Ron. They

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More is Less

There are many “pairs” in the world, ranging from the human (Adam and Eve) to the natural world (night and day) to those cool little candies (M and M). Way back in the mid-50’s, Sammy Cahn (lyrics) and Jimmy Van Heusen (music) wrote a song called Love And Marriage, recorded

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It isn’t the changes, it’s the transitions

You may have thought about transitions, but if you haven’t, I want to change that. Why? Because a lot of how you get through life is determined by how you handle the transitions. An aerobics class helped me realize that. (Are there still aerobics classes?) Here’s the story. I happened

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Listening well

Back in the day I spent about a dozen years in the music business. As I was thinking about the topic of listening, a couple of experiences from that world leapt out of the recesses of my mind and said, “Tell them about me.” So I will. The first took

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Laughing Matters

A young man is passing by a bar when he sees an old woman fishing with a stick and a string in a puddle by the sidewalk. “She must be a poor old fool,” he thinks to himself, and out of the kindness of his heart, he invites the woman

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