Batman Cooking and Delivering Hot Meals to Homeless in Santiago

At times when people across the globe are struggling on health and finance fronts, there is an acute shortage of joy. Thankfully, several people are doing good work of helping others and spreading joy. One such great soul, disguised as Batman, is prowling streets of Santiago and assisting those in immediate need of food and […]
Apple Vows To Be 100% Carbon Neutral For Its Product Life-Cycle By 2030

The Cupertino based Digital Giant; APPLE has pledged it will be 100% Carbon Neutral for its Supply Chain and Product Life-cycle by the end of 2030. The plan unveiled last month aims to make every Apple device sold by 2030 will have zero climate impact. The most valuable company is already Carbon Neutral for its […]
Tennis Star Novak Djokovic Finances a Private Jet for Medical Treatment of Baby Girl

Novak Djokovic is a well-known name in the tennis circuit. The Serbian star has, with his hard work, earned both fame and money. He has used his wealth to do many positive things and serve humanity. Novak Djokovic Foundation is giving quality preschool education to students across the globe. Moreover, the tennis star also helps […]