Small Businesses Using ‘WhatsApp Business’ Effectively to Connect With Customers

 The world is trying hard to find ways to control the spread of the deadly virus and bring the economy back on track. Thankfully, small and medium businesses are using technologies smartly to serve and survive. Happy Milk, a Bengaluru-based organic milk supplier, is using WhatsApp Business to connect with customers. Their customers are mostly […]

Selfless 9-Year-Old Mayfield Girl Honored for Act of Kindness

Following behavioral traits of the natural, unspoiled, and socio-economically unconditioned minds of children could solve half of the world’s miseries. Kendyl Conyne, a 9-year-old Mayfield student, justifies it perfectly when you see her doing good acts of kindness to help the community. In appreciation of her recent food drive for a local pantry she won […]