Alabama Women Spread Kindness Through Unique Doordash Trend

During normal days what we wished for most was the free time to spend with family and friends. But when the health crisis forced us to remain indoors, the isolation and separation made people feel lonely. The human spirit is all about finding the best possible path to happiness. Women in North Alabama are doing […]
Coca-Cola Running Short Films Campaign to Salute Unsung Front-line Warriors

Great brands do big things to remain in the perceptual field of the consumer. Branding and positioning effort apart, it is the messaging that makes any campaign successful. Coca-Cola, the global beverage major, has started a campaign titled “Ummeedo Wali Dhoop”, meaning rays of hope, to celebrate the ability of the human spirit to overcome […]
LeBron James and Other Stars Form a Voting Rights Group

2020 has brought with it pain and problems in a big way. First, the pandemic, which has crippled the economy, then the killing of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police and the subsequent violence. All of that has shaken the world to its foundation. With elections just around the corner, African-Americans are […]