Mixed Fillings Pie Shop Doing Good Celebrating Community Members’ Good Actions

A local pie shop owner is celebrating those who are making a difference in the community. Mixed Fillings Pie Shop owner Natasha Burton decides a theme for every Tuesday that is focused on making the community a better place to live and starting tough conversations. Pie shop owner showing the good deeds that people do […]
Crab and Lobster Fisherman has a Decade-Long Friendship With a Blind Seal

It is an unusual story of the friendship between a blind seal and a fisherman. The friendship has endured for a decade, and the bond continues to grow stronger with each passing day. Unusual Friendship Nicholas Lewis is a crab and lobster fisherman and met Shauna, the seal, in 2010. She was an adorable pup […]
Pelican That Tried to Hatch Chick of its Own for Years Gets A Little Help

Percival is a Pelican at the Queensland, Australia sanctuary called Twinnies Pelican and Seabird Rescue center. For years handlers had noticed Percival carry out his egg sitting routine. However, they never saw any egg hatch and chicks emerging. This year, however, he became a proud pelican dad with a little help from his handlers. Long […]