A Friend’s Act of Generosity Helps Give Hope for Woman After Shocking Separation

Carla Kaiser and Heather Fritton are actresses and had met during rehearsals for Grease the Musical. Carla Kaiser Kotrc, of Arvada, Colo., said that whenever she is a part of any musical, the cast becomes just like a family and the bond is very strong. Soon the two were inseparable pals. However, they were polar […]
Domestic Violence Victim’s Family Helping Others to Get Justice

Domestic violence is not just a crime but a heinous act, deserving the strongest possible punishment. Irrespective of social status, women from all walks of life face this menace, and unfortunately, there are societies where it is considered normal. Millions of women fall victim to domestic violence every year, and they don’t even report to […]
Asthma Symptoms Decrease as Coal Use in Kentucky Declines

The future of energy has been a topic of discussion for decades. One energy source that was once popular is coal. Scientists studied four coal-fired powered plants. The good news is local residents were experiencing fewer asthma symptoms and related hospitalizations. This comes as the plants retired the energy source or had stricter emissions controls. […]