Army Ranger Veteran Helps Save Lives Amidst Coronavirus Pandemic by Donating Blood

Mat Best, former Army Ranger, entrepreneur, and YouTube! personality (total underachiever 🙂 ) and his pal Tim Montana have written a hit song encouraging all of us to do good! Abby Hornacek interviewed Best about the song, Quarantine, in the clip posted below. His purpose, he states, is to raise awareness for the need for […]

Last Words of Samaritan Dr. Frank Gabrin

Dr. Frank Gabrin Do Good U.

What is it that makes a man? Is it his birth or his surroundings? How are we different from animals? One can argue that the line dividing a civilized human and a savage animal is very thin. Charles Darwin had in his epoch-making theory postulated that nature is run by one golden rule –Survival of […]