LARK Group of Eagan Gives Back to Community, Inspiring Others to Do Good

What does it take to do good works? Frankly, it takes almost nothing, just a little kindness in heart and passion for being helpful. Ladies Acts of Random Kindness (LARK) — a group of women join hands and contribute to do something meaningful for the community. In Eagan, the LARK group spent the summer gardening […]

11-Year-Old Donates Over 27,000 Diapers Worth $7,500 to Single Moms

Cartier Carey is an 11-year-old boy with a heart of an angel. He noticed a shortage of diapers during the pandemic and decided to set-up a lemonade stand in Hampton, Virginia, to help. ABC News showed this amazing story. From his peers, Cartier became aware of the challenges which single parents face. One of his […]

Orlando UCF Students Distribute Care Packages after The Covid-19 Shutdown

Lake Eola Park is a hub of activity on any Saturday morning. The park is full of fitness freaks, walkers, and also a Yoga class. A group of UCF students handing out paper bags filled with food and water attracts everyone’s attention. Victoria Orindas is a UCF student, majoring in biomedical sciences. She reaches into […]