Good News: Businesses Begin To Bring Back Laid Off Employees Lowering Unemployment Rate

Businesses have been struggling since March when the pandemic wreaked havoc across the country. This has led to the U.S. employment rate falling, but it was recently reported that it has actually been recovering. The Bureau of Labor Statistics issued a report showing that economists dire predictions were false. Good news: latest job loss report […]

Good Samaritan Boat Riders Save The Life Of Baby Deer Using CPR

Two Texas boaters are being praised as heroes after saving the life of a baby deer. The deer was discovered drifting in a Texas lake. Good Samaritans surprised to find deer floating in the river Brian Ballard and his wife Liz were out enjoying their time on Lake Tyler when they spotted something floating in […]

Doing Good: Brightmark Recycling Company Giving Ex-Convicts A Job Again

A San Francisco company is working at recycling waste, while also providing work to ex-convicts. Those ex-cons end up becoming partners in building a more sustainable planet. Brightmark’s main focus has been developing a plastics recycling program. They also have a strong focus on creating natural gas from food and agricultural waste. Good Samaritan: Brightmark […]