US Retail Sales Rose 1.2% In July: American Consumerism Has Staged a Rapid Comeback

Americans are no stranger to Layoffs and unemployment in the past. They have stoically faced these hardships, and signs of recovery from the present COVID pandemic are also visible. CNN Business reports that American consumerism is making a comeback. Millions of Americans have lost jobs during the Coronavirus epidemic. Many are struggling to pay their […]
$10M US Grant Will Help Hazleton Public Transit Build Bus Storage Facility

Public transport systems like Trams, City Bus, and Metros scores over other means of transport because they are cheaper and more eco-friendly. A better and efficient public transport system can reduce fossil fuel use and reduce global warming. Such a system will negate the need to go to workplaces by personal modes of transport like […]
Orlando Church Doing Good By Helping Beirut Explosion Victims

Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed. Deuteronomy 15:11 ESV A massive explosion ripped the Lebanese capital Beirut, a few days back. The blast left behind an enormous loss of life and property worth billions of dollars. In the early eighties, Lebanon saw a […]