Nurse Saves Three New Born From Hospital Destroyed In Beirut Blast

“Whenever a child is born, it shows that God has not lost faith in humanity.” The massive Beirut explosion has killed over 100 persons, maimed hundreds and caused property damage worth $15 billion. Photojournalist Bilal Jawich was at home when he heard the first explosion. An even stronger second explosion followed it. Talking to CNN […]

Oracle Cloud Offers Updated Tools to Help Businesses Boost Growth

Amidst the economic slowdown, businesses of all types, sizes, and scales are struggling to maintain a healthy bottom-line. The best possible strategy to keep the growth engine ignited is to reduce costs, improve productivity, and control. Cloud major Oracle announced several measures to help businesses visualize the need to build resiliency with digital expansion. Building […]

What Other Countries Can Learn From Australia’s Roaring Rooftop Solar Market

The quest for better and renewable energy sources becomes urgent, and countries can learn from Australia’s Roaring Rooftop Solar Market. Australia is setting up renewable sources of energy ten times faster than the global average, and it is focusing on Roof Top solar energy generation. Australia is peculiar, and it is this peculiarity which is […]