Mckinney Chamber Of Commerce Assisting Commercial Entities Shift To Digital Marketing During Pandemic

The old saying in South Asia which translated means-The well will not go thirsty, but the thirsty will have to go to the well. Today, after the pandemic, the marketing scene is quite different. Marketing strategies that would have worked before the epidemic may not work today. Billboards, marketing events, sports sponsorship will hardly work […]
GoDaddy Partners with Ketto to Help Businesses Raise Funds Easily Through Crowd-funding

Businesses worldwide struggle to keep the balance sheet in the black. The story is not different in India. Weak revenue flow, triggered by consistently falling demand, forces companies to cut costs and human resources. Godaddy has partnered with Ketto to make it easier for Indian businesses to raise funds. The idea is to help them […]
New Jersey Police Officer’s Act Of Kindness Caught On Camera Goes Viral
‘Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.’ Ephesians 4:32. A body camera that honestly recorded a police officer’s generosity has become viral on Facebook. John Freitag is a veteran and presently posted in Washington Township. He saw a Wawa man who was facing some difficulty in paying […]