Terminal Cancer Patient Steve Inspires 100s of Fellow Bikers to Support NHS Fundraiser
![[Image Credit: Steve Edwards/Facebook]](https://dogoodu.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/tenant-1024x683.jpg)
It is almost impossible to measure the emotional strength of a person who is ready to go the extra mile to help others. This becomes more difficult when you know that the person has deadly cancer and has minimal time. Steve Edwards, a 40-year-old colon cancer patient from Cornwall, England, turned his struggle with cancer […]
7-Yr-Old Raises $1,050 to Support Underprivileged School Amidst BLM Movement

If you are waiting for the right moment to start doing good, then the act of kindness of 7-year-old Florida boy Adam Saavedra will definitely inspire you to start right now. The flood of “Black Lives Matter” stories from across America triggered his passion to do something for neglected and underprivileged. Equality is a myth, […]
Wareham Cops Rewarding Kids Doing Good With Ice Cream Coupon

It is proven beyond doubt that the acts of kindness are a great healer. Ideally, one should keep on doing good and inspire others to do the same. We are conditioned to perform better if we see a reward coming. Wareham Police Officers are doing exactly the same by rewarding those kids who are found […]