Google’s CEO Gave the Entire Company a Day Off to Help Employees Regain Balance

There are reasons why some companies are rated best and the biggest reason is the way they care for employees. A great leader understands the dynamics and takes timely action to boost morale and build trust. This is exactly what Sundar Pichai, CEO Google, and Alphabet, did when he announced a full-day off to help […]
NextGig Helping Retrenched Employees Who Got Fired Find A Job

The present pandemic has led to the massive retrenchment of the workforce. It has become a social and moral issue of how to fit in these employees in other fields or, in other words, help them find employment. NextGig, a community-based job action center, is helping the workers in getting jobs even now when the […]
Goodlettsville Church of Tennessee Gave Thousands Of Dollars To Small Businesses

Crisis, be it health or financial, comes and it is the sheer power of faith that helps humans overcome it and find ways to restart again. Thanks to millions of first responders, the ongoing health crisis will also pass. Apart from frontline warriors, there are several people and organizations that are supporting people in the […]