Good Samaritan Helps Fairfax County Police Arrest Sexual Assaulter

Good samaritan intervenes during sexual assault of a teenage girl

The world is full of sorrow and desire is the root cause of all miseries. Thankfully, there are great souls everywhere doing good to keep humanity alive and show the path. Despite the ongoing struggle for survival amidst the pandemic, some people are finding it hard to control the animal instinct. This is what happened […]

Doing Good: TSA Officer Uses Her Stimulus Check to Support and Thank Front-Line Workers

TSA Agent Uses Stimulus Check To Support Front-Line Workers

TSA Supervisor Samantha Mudge spent a significant part of her stimulus check making masks for law enforcement, healthcare workers, pharmacy workers, and others in her community. Giving Back Past Debt The motivation for doing the Samaritan act came from Samantha’s previous year’s experience. Mudge worked without a paycheck during the federal government shutdown. It was […]