NBA Legend Charles Barkley Auctioning Off his Trophies to Fund Affordable Houses

Good Samaritans can be found in a variety of places. One man that has stood out when it comes to being philanthropic is NBA legend, Charles Barkley. Barkley has collected countless trophies and medals over his hall of fame career. Surprisingly, he said he doesn’t care much for his treasures. Good Samaritan willing to part […]

Dallas Man Provides Service for Inspirational Stories With Good News Dashboard

Everyone could use some more positivity in their life. One man helping make sure that happens is Dallas resident Robert Neely. Six years ago, Neely and a friend launched a site that provides visitors with positive and inspiring stores. Good News delivered through digital dashboard service When more depressing and tragic news stories began to […]

Missouri Hunters Doing Good Donating 350,000 Pounds of Venison

The good people of Missouri have come up with the “Share the Harvest” program. The program allows Missouri deer hunters to donate their catch to charity. This past season was successful as they were able to donate 6,750 whole deer, and 350,000 pounds of venison were donated to local food banks. Missouri hunters doing good […]