Almost — but not quite — good

Do you know the difference between good and not quite good? It’s a lot like the difference between a Rolex watch and a fake Rolex watch. I can explain that one with a true story. For several years, my wife traveled around the world on business. On one of those trips, which happened to include […]
Toby Keith, Fuzzy Lines, and Justice

So far on social media, you can’t get canceled for being a country music fan. At least I don’t think the Thought Police have gone that far in America. And that is a good thing, because I am a country music fan. One of my favorites — I know because I listen to him a […]
What we can all learn from American Ninja Warrior — and even the Olympics

If you aren’t familiar with American Ninja Warrior, it is not a person dressed in black, silent as a snail but faster than a hummingbird. It is a TV show, and it is good. Now if you are a regular reader, you know that when I say “good” I don’t mean that in the “good […]