Them’s fightin’ words!

I learned the phrase that is the title of this post back in the 60’s on TV westerns. But it was already in use in 1917, and maybe earlier. “Fightin’ words,” I learned, were words spoken to someone that provoked them to respond physically. Usually it a was a good guy saying, “You’re a crook” […]
Lean in to win

Noah Lyles was running a race in Paris, France. It was the 2024 Summer Olympics, so the race was kind of a big deal. Overflowing with confidence, Lyles had predicted victory. When I say predicted, I’m talking Muhammad Ali style. Ali would even tell you which round of the fight would be his opponent’s last. […]
What can I say?

Perhaps, like me, you’ve been watching the Olympics. You don’t have to be a sports fan to watch these athletes perform. In fact every Olympics I find myself watching sports I know little or nothing about. This year — even before the opening ceremony — I watched rugby sevens. Personally I really enjoyed this version. […]