The deception of Artificial Intelligence

With all the political correctness in the world these days, I had to laugh at myself just now. I was about to write: “Have you noticed that AI makes us use capital letters when we refer to it?” Then I thought, “Gosh, I really don’t want to offend AI by calling it artificial intelligence, as […]

Those who call evil good and good evil

Have you ever tried to help someone and been smacked down for it? If you are older than about 20, the answer is probably yes. It could be something as innocuous as holding a door open for someone (a classic — and classy — do good move), and then having the person say, in kind […]

A house divided needs new math

Are you good at math? Some people are absolute whizzes when it comes to numbers, and I’m fascinated by that. Once I watched as my head tennis pro (I was the general manager of an athletic club) negotiated his pay package with the club’s owner. The tennis pro, who was terrific with the numbers 15, […]