If you ever worked for IBM, you have heard the word “think” used as more than a suggestion. As a “motto” (command?), “think” was made famous by the man who named IBM and made it famous, Thomas J. Watson, Sr. At one point he was one of the highest paid executives in the United States. […]
Has the Search for Truth Been Abandoned?

There once was a man — a long, long time ago — named Diogenes. There could have been more than one, as I think of it, but the Diogenes (di-ah’-jin-eze) we remember lived around 300 to 400 years before Christ. He was witty, wise, and a great teacher. For much of his life, Diogenes lived […]
An Upside-down World

Several years ago I learned a fascinating piece of information about seeing. Even if you already know this, it’s still fun. Mechanically speaking, our eyes see everything upside down. According to an article I found on Mental Floss, “That’s because the process of refraction through a convex lens causes the image to be flipped, so […]