Do Be Do Be Do, part 1

When you hear the phrase, “Do be do be do”  what comes to mind? If you said Frank Sinatra, give yourself a gold star. He made the phrase famous when he substituted it for lyrics in a recording of Strangers In The Night. The song was written by Rodgers (music) and Hammerstein (lyrics), for the […]

How to be happy

No, that headline is not click bait. Happiness is available to every person, including you. In fact the Declaration of Independence says that happiness is your right. In these days of so many individuals declaring their own self-interested rights, the historic document takes us to far greater heights. The second paragraph in the Declaration begins: […]

Crazy relatives

gray rock formation

We are now far enough past Christmas to breathe a sigh of relief. The shopping frenzy is over, the exchanges have been made, the decorations are down and stored, and the crazy relatives are home and safe. Even if that is us, our lives are back to normal crazy instead of crazy crazy. And there […]