How do you feel?

“How do you feel?” That’s a question we usually ask someone who has been ill, or hurt physically in some way. The most common response — and I have not conducted a poll — is probably, “Fine.” There is also the old reliable, “Better,” and, popular among pessimists, “I could be better.” One I used […]
Looking back to see forward

Whether or not we are superstitious about numbers, we are all aware of numbers. Recently I was in line at a restaurant counter when the customer in front of me heard the cashier say, “That’ll be $19.54.” He said, “That was a great year — I was born in 1954!” A long time ago (you’ll […]
What if no one was watching you?

Recently I asked a young friend a question. “You’ve played tournament golf at a very high level. What have you learned?” Without hesitating he said, “I’ve learned that no one is watching me.” I knew exactly what he meant. Pretty much everyone who has played in a tournament (basketball, tennis, golf, etc.) has felt the […]