What you and Harry Potter have in common.

Harry James Potter is the fictional title character of seven novels. I’m guessing none of that is true for you. Your name is probably not Harry James Potter, you are not the title character in any novels, and you are not fictional. Some days it might feel like you are fictional and that your life […]
The Ultimate Disruptor

Do a search on disruptors, and the newest big thing you’ll find is from 2021. Either there hasn’t been much disrupting going on the last two years, or the word has gone out of vogue. Words, and even definitions, come and go. Once in a while the new definition prevails, but often the original is […]
Should the majority rule?

Do you believe in majority rule? My first experience with majority rule was as a member of my high school student council. Some question would be presented to us, we would discuss it, and if more than one solution was presented we voted. The solution with the most votes won and was enacted. I’ve been […]