Losing weight for good.

Last week I wrote about gravity, the wonderful, amazing, invisible force that keeps us attached to the earth. It is also that unkind, apparently uncaring power used to measure our weight. Step on a scale and the number you see is the downward force of your body. You can increase that downward force by bending […]
Gravity — can you feel it?

If you have ever played a sport or game that requires the use of your whole body — from surfing to shinty — you know something about gravity. If you’ve ever danced or walked a tight rope, you know gravity. Trapeze artists are very well acquainted with the force. All athletes use gravity, even if […]
You and Kylie Jenner have something in common.

Influence is everywhere, and has been since the Garden of Eden. It is very noticeable there in the temptation of Eve by the serpent, Satan. Here’s how it went down. The serpent showed up and asked Eve a question that seemed innocent enough. “Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any […]