Climate change and a blind man in Jerusalem

One of the most common conversation topics of all time is the weather. “Nice day!” “Some weather we’re having!” “Man, it’s hot!” “Give me a blanket — I’ve never been this cold!” Please note that any initial expression about the weather must use an exclamation point! Even with that emphasis, talking about the weather has […]
How to change the world

There are so many things on my mind as I write that I beg your patience as you read, just in case the path is less than straight. You may know that writers themselves often don’t know how the words will flow until they begin to put them into visible form. I saw a great […]
The best self-help anywhere is all around you.

The self-help industry is big. Really big. In fact it is projected to be over $13 billion dollars by the end of this year and keep on growing. That includes books and videos and podcasts and speaking, but not school. This is “self” help after all. If one way you want to help yourself is […]