The person who disagrees with you is probably not an idiot.

One day I was walking on a golf course when I heard a voice yell, “You idiot!” I was surprised by two things: first, it wasn’t me yelling; second, it wasn’t even directed at me. As it turned out it was a professional golfer, a woman who had just missed a putt and was demonstrably […]

How to use your mind, including the brain part.

Humans, you may know, are unique in all the world. Philosopher Mortimer J. Adler lists several ways in which that is true. One of my favorites, also cited by the brilliant mystery writer Dorothy L. Sayers, is that only mankind creates. In fact she posits the idea that being creators is what it means for […]

Take off your mask — be contagious for good.

There are perhaps hundreds of thousands of people in America who think about Covid on a regular basis. Some of those people lost loved ones during that pandemic, and Covid was either a contributing factor or the reason. Some contracted the virus and are still suffering from after-effects. Parosmia, the inability of the brain to […]