Now you see it

Over the past week I’ve talked to several people about thinking in pictures. Some of them got it right away, some not so much. Those who “got it” included artists, quilters, crocheters, and athletes. All of those are what we often call “creatives.” As for artists, whether they work in oils or marble, we understand […]
Good Thinking

“I think I can — I think I can — I think I can.” For more than a hundred years children around the world have read those words, spoken by “a little engine.” I was one of them. In fact our copy, which lived in the room my brother and I shared, was close enough […]
Making time

One of my occasional pastimes is crossword puzzles. I was solving one the other day that had a couple of clues dealing with climate change. So when I found a clue that said, “Non-renewable resource” my mind went to the usual villains du jour. It turned out, though, that the answer was time. Non-renewable is […]