Get in the game.

grayscale photo of stadium

The writer C. S. Lewis carried on a massive correspondence during his lifetime. Many of the letters are collected in three volumes and are organized chronologically. Sometimes he waxes eloquent, but occasionally he will begin with “This must be necessarily brief.” Such is the case here, and it isn’t for lack of something to say. […]

Do good, even if it annoys somebody.

You might think from the headline (Do good, even if it annoys somebody.) that I am advocating annoying people. Au contraire, as they say in France. I am advocating doing good not for the purpose of annoying others, but in spite of the fact that it might. No, in spite of the fact that it […]

A Very Unusual Holiday

white heart shaped paper cut out

There’s a restaurant I visit occasionally that plays Happy Birthday in their restrooms. Do you know why? During the height of Covid, washing your hands became even more important than normal. But how long should you wash your hands? Turns out the answer is around 20 seconds, which is also about the time it takes […]