Living an uncommon life: seeing people as people

A few days ago I had the privilege of giving a talk to some student athletes at Grand Canyon University, and I had an assigned topic: Living an Uncommon Life. Why, I wondered, would someone give that topic to me? Have I lived an uncommon life? Am I uncommon? The answer to both questions is […]

One of our greatest treasures is being stolen. This is not good.

white concrete statue of man

There have been three incidents in my adult life when something was taken from me or a family member. At least that I know of. The first of those happened in St. Louis back in the days when most cars had a radio antenna. My wife and I came out of a shopping center to […]

Names are important. Let’s get them right.

white and red pitcher

I don’t remember how old I was when I learned that names have meaning — probably grade school. But I do remember that the first thing I wanted to know was what my name meant. There was no Google (a number of almost infinite size, which is not just about the information they provide but […]