Laughing Matters

A young man is passing by a bar when he sees an old woman fishing with a stick and a string in a puddle by the sidewalk. “She must be a poor old fool,” he thinks to himself, and out of the kindness of his heart, he invites the woman in for a drink. After […]

Checking your stats

If you are a sports fan, you might just have a lot of stats in your head. Football fans (I’ll start with that because it’s playoff time for both college and professional football) know everything from won-lost records to quarterback ratings. And countless other stats, especially on their favorite teams and favorite players. Professional golf […]

What will you do in 2025? Here’s what we will do.

white and black happy birthday card

According to the calendar — and they have a tendency to be accurate — this will be our final feature article for 2024. The common theme for this time of year is “New Year’s Resolutions,” and perhaps you’ve already started thinking about yours. Almost every list I see is comprised of actions — things we […]