How to fix a bad attitude

On my way home from work I called my wife. “Hello,” she said, and she sounded like she meant it. I said, “My bad attitude and I are on our way home. We’ll be there in 20 minutes.” Without missing a beat she said, “You’d better get rid of it before you get here.” What […]

Things I’m Thankful For, But Wasn’t Always

white and red happy birthday signage

I don’t remember exactly what had happened, but one day a few years ago I said to myself, “I’m thankful for the ACLU.” Then I thought, “That was weird.” In all the years that I had known about the ACLU I had never been consciously thankful for that organization. Or unconsciously either. Founded in 1920, […]

Is this a test?

Once upon a time there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess, but he couldn’t find one that was suitable. Something was always wrong. Perhaps they had bad table manners. Maybe they were very unprincess-like in some other way. Then one evening a young girl knocked on the castle door. It was raining […]