God rest you merry, Gentlemen.

Everyone who reads English, and especially everyone who writes English, knows the importance of a properly placed comma. Several years ago I picked up a book on the topic of punctuation, very cleverly titled Eats, Shoots & Leaves. The cover shows two panda bears. One of them is on a bamboo ladder leaning against the […]

Christmas movies — and a Christmas present

My wife just bought a Christmas tee shirt. It’s red, and the front is decorated with red and white and green and yellow icons from Christmas movies. See if you can figure them out. How did you do? Great, I’m guessing, which means you know a lot about Christmas movies! There are some movies that […]

Outside of time

brown-and-white clocks

I suppose you noticed that Christmas is coming. We know it, too, and unless we want people to say, “The Grinch must live there,” we need to start decorating for Christmas. But our calendars are full of other activities. There was Thanksgiving, there are meetings, there are events, there was a birthday to celebrate. The […]