The Future of America

You may not feel the need for an article like this. It could be that you have decided not to vote at all in this election, which is just over two weeks away. Or it could be that you’ve decided how you’ll vote and nothing will change your mind. But in the not-too-distant-future, the opportunity […]
A gentle breeze

Jose, one of my friends and colleagues, is a nominee for Do Good Citizen of the Year. And so are hundreds of other volunteers who have collectively spent thousands of hours over the last week helping hurricane victims in North and South Carolina. In the wake of Hurricane Helene’s terrible destruction, ordinary people have risen […]
When Israel got it wrong.

I am not a historian by trade or training, but here is something I believe about history. Every country that is on this earth has some horrible things in its past. England, the United States, and several European countries have slavery in their past. (So do many other countries, of course.) Germany has Hitler, who […]