Dogs Provide Love To Families And Service To Those In Need
Merriam-Webster’s dictionary definition for dog is: dog – a highly variable domestic mammal (Canis familiaris) closely related to the gray wolf. A Brief History You can trace the relationship between dog and man several thousand years. Though the actual date is highly debated, the fact remains that this relationship started long ago and continues in […]
Tips From Taco Restaurant Teaches Employees How to be Kind
The restaurant and foodservice industry is a large part of the US economy. The average American eats out between 4 and 5 times a week, spending on average $232 per month. I know my family enjoys eating outside our home if we can all agree on where to go, that is. Each one of us […]
Business Leaders and CEO’s Donate Salaries to Help Employees
In the last few weeks the climate in the business world has been turned upside down. Countless businesses have been forced to completely change the way they do business, lay off employees or completely shut down. This “invisible enemy” known as coronavirus has had a profound and lasting impact on the business world. The outlook […]