Local Group Feeds Kids and Families with Backpacks

Who knew that people could be fed just by taking a backpack home once a month? One group of people figured out there was a need for students and their families and made it their mission to fulfill that need and Do Good! Who comes up with an idea like this? About 7 years ago […]

Grandmother Doing Good Inspired by Matthew West Song “Do Something

Music has a profound effect on people and certainly has the power to inspire them to “Do Something” bigger than themselves. Inspiration often comes when we least expect it Darlene Azar is a grandmother that watches her granddaughter 5 days a week, 11 hours a day. That alone can keep a person busy, but Darlene […]

Act of Kindness During Homecoming Parade Sets Good Example

Bulldog Pride Inspires Doing Good

Doing good for someone in the midst of a Homecoming parade? Seems out of the ordinary…..it certainly was!! The best part is that it was done by a sixth grader! Are You Ready for Some Football?! Nothing breeds excitement in September like Homecoming week in small town USA. The week is filled with: silly dress […]