Just(in) Having Fun Lifting Spirits At Time Of Uncertainty

There are some people that just have the natural ability to entertain. The need for entertainment has been around since the dawn of time. What makes each of us laugh may be somewhat different, but nonetheless, we all enjoy a good laugh now and again. What is Entertainment? Entertainment is a form of activity that […]

Forrest L. Wood Made Everyone He Came In Contact With Feel Special

In the winter of 1988, there was a big meeting happening in Flippin, Arkansas. Professional fisherman Hank Parker and NASCAR legend Dale Earnhardt had made their way to the property of Forrest L. Wood. Parker was a bit nervous that day, introducing his two closest friends as they had never met each other. He even […]

One Thing That Hasn’t Changed…Music

One Thing That Hasn't Changed...Music

Music has been around for a long time. The origin of music is unknown as it occurred prior to recorded history. Music has evolved from early man developing primitive flutes from animal bones to the varied music of today. Moving through the history of music reveals evidence of its role in sacred and secular settings. Somewhere […]