
The Interview

In last week’s post I talked about one of the parts of the business we call Do Good U, and I promised you something. Without further ado…. No, wait. With a little further ado, it is below. Allow me a moment for explanation to those who may not have read

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What do you do at Do Good U?

Before Do Good U was fully born, people would ask me, “What do you do?” You may as well have asked me when I was a boy in short pants what I was going to do when I grew up. (The short pants would have been a clue, perhaps, because

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man sitting on concrete brick with opened laptop on his lap

Good job

This past weekend the Kansas City Chiefs got the ball with just 32 seconds left in the game and scored to send it into overtime. Good job. The Los Angeles Rams had been tied by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and with just seconds to go in regulation they completed a

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