
Awareness and Why It Is So Important

There are other people out there Humans are born with the capacity for empathy. All of us can put ourselves in someone else’s position and feel, to some degree, what they feel. But empathy, which is the foundation of intimacy and connection between people, is a learned behavior. We can

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Self-Awareness, a skill you need

What is self-awareness? Do you know yourself? Many of us don’t, and even fewer of us know ourselves in the moment. We may be good at reflection, but by then it may be too late. Self-awareness is having real-time knowledge of your own emotions, motives, and desires. The process of

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black rotary dial phone on white surface

Talking Up and Talking Down

If any of us were to create a list of necessary qualities within relationships, communication would be on the list, and probably near the top of the list. And so it is within organizations. The leader communicates the vision. The manager communicates the process. This leaves the follower to anticipate

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