
Are you entitled?

Perhaps you know the name Nick Faldo. If you have followed professional golf in the last ten years, the odds are pretty good that you do. He’s a British lad who achieved a lot in the game and has now become a popular announcer of golf for CBS. The other

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Does doing good come with risks?

A new friend asked me recently if people who routinely do good (he was referring to Christians, but the question applies to anyone) are likely to be taken advantage of by those who do evil. It’s a good question, and I thought I’d written about it not long ago. But

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Setting the bar just a little lower

Way back in the dark ages I took — as many did — a high school class in geometry. Or perhaps it was calculus, though I doubt it. The reason is that math in general did not appeal to me, and the esoteric side of math left me cold. Addition,

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