Last week many senior citizens at Lyons Ridge Apartment complex found their cars vandalized. Many elders had the windows of their car broken.

These senior citizens were living on different forms of subsistence pensions and were at a loss of how to cope up with these unnecessary expenses. Some were able to eke out money to repair the damaged windows. However, many are riding with plastic on their windows. As they say, God always helps the poor, and the needy, help came in the form of a good Samaritan who donated $1000 to help these unfortunate elders.
Helping our elderly
The woman who donated the amount did not want to come on camera and kept her identity secret. However, she told Fox13 that she tried to help the elders and gave $1000. Shirley Wright, one of the unfortunate victims, found her car being vandalized for the third time. She had to borrow $200 to repair the damage. The Good Samaritan came like an angel, and Shirley was very grateful.
Good Samaritans rise to the occasion
The elderly don’t have many monetary sources other than a monthly check. With this, they have to manage the rent and their subsistence which includes food and medications.
Shirley Wright is one of the ten victims whose cars were vandalized. Regrettably, these elderly are at the receiving end of these pranksters. However, some people are sensitive to the needs of their elders and step in to help them. These people are in the twilight of their life. After enduring the trials of life, it is unfortunate that they are still struggling and facing difficulties. It is the duty of all of us to make them feel comfortable.
It is gratifying to see that there are people who follow the teaching of Jesus. Everyone lives for himself, but few live for others. The world is a better place with people like this Good Samaritan.
Doing good for others makes us happy, but more importantly it makes the ones receiving the kindness happier!