Allen Marshall, a Michigan resident helped nurses of the nearby hospital by contributing free gas. He stood near the Exxon gas station, holding a sign which read: “Free gas for Nurses.”

Compassionate fellow Marshall spent $900 of his savings, with which he hoped someday he could buy a knife-sharpening tool, but after the pandemic hit he changed his mind. Marshall thought he could do something for the local hospital staff and was inspired by his wife who is an essential worker. She works at Blue Cross Blue Shield.
Showing Mighigan love by the tank full
“I just love them, and I want them to know that,” he told in the interview with WDIV. He expressed love by offering one tank at a time.
He helped by filling tanks of 50 to 80 vehicles for nurses who were working at nearby Detroit Medical Centre. The noble cause was to provide aid to health workers who were fighting novel coronavirus. When Marshall ran out of money, he stood there holding another sign that added: “Thank you for All You Do!”.
Doing Good always gets support
That’s not all, a woman passing by, identified as Alana, caught the attention of Marshal’s love for the community. She added $200 extra of her own money to support his cause of filling tanks. The woman said that her nephew is a nurse, and she was worried when he goes to work even he might get sick too. She insisted on supporting heroes and doing her share of good work.
Marshall’s love and support for the essential workers fighting against COVID-19 are never-ending. We encourage everyone to extended their hand and help communities to fight Coronavirus.
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