Music has been around for a long time. The origin of music is unknown as it occurred prior to recorded history. Music has evolved from early man developing primitive flutes from animal bones to the varied music of today.

Moving through the history of music reveals evidence of its role in sacred and secular settings. Somewhere along the way, music has morphed from simply being just that…music.
Why Are There So many Genres?
“Applying different labels to different types of music,” that’s the easy definition of the genre. Having these different “categories” allegedly makes things more simple. I’m not sure if I would call the list of genres simple.
Existing in the “musical genre” space are 41 primary genres of music, with 337 subcategories. Jazz, rock, country, classical and pop. These are just scratching the surface of the list. I wonder how many genres I like? Personally,
I feel as though I am somewhat well versed in my taste in music. Classic rock, country, jazz, contemporary Christian, and some good ole’ bluegrass would be on my shortlist. Culture would certainly be one of the major influences on my favorites.
How Do Kids Decide What They Like?
No doubt, the kinds of music my kids like can be far different than that of mine or my wife’s. We grew up in different times and have had different influences to shape our preferences.
Ask either one of them what they like, and you are likely to get similar, yet different answers. My son would say his top two are country and classic rock, while my daughter prefers pop and pop-country.
Definitely different, yet alike in some ways. Both influenced by many seen and unforeseen factors in their young lives. The common thread for them and millions of others is the joy we get from listening to our music.
Musicians Brighten Our Days (and Nights)
I can remember at a very young age, listening to Casey Kasem and his weekly Top 40 Countdown. It was how to keep up with the hottest top hits in music. The internet had not quite hit the scene in the early ’80s, so tuning in each week was just part of life. Casey always had stories he would tell throughout the countdown. Doing so helped us listeners stay in tune with what our favorite musicians were up to.
Music videos exploded in the mid-’80’s helping to give a visual connection to our favorite singers and bands. Listening to music on the radio during the day, watching videos by night, and attending the occasional concert made countless bands popular.
Fan bases grew exponentially, which made some artists instant stars. Almost instantaneously, musicians and singers went from regular everyday people to extreme popularity.
Fast Forward – 35 Years
Music had seen plenty of changes in the last 35 years (when I was young). Songs and artists I listened to then can still be heard today, sometimes even live at concerts.

Amazingly, there are new artists that have achieved huge popularity (just kidding, they’re really popular). There are dozens of very talented artists of which have insanely huge fan bases.
Really, they put the old guys to shame in that department. This trend stretches across many different genres of music too. One of the coolest things about the “artists of today” is the positive impact they can have by doing good for others.
The Power Of Influence
Some artists today use their fame and fortunes to help others. Their influence, though they are just human beings, can be quite magical at times. By using their talent and resources, the artists lift up those in need. Live concerts and events have been canceled or postponed because of COVID-19 this spring. This roadblock has forced them to think ‘outside the box’ and look for other ways to serve.
Many artists are using their fame and fortune to help others in need. Since the ‘usual’ ways of doing this are not possible with social distancing requirements, they have had to stretch their creativity. A number of artists have participated in the Global Citizen One World At Home live stream and live TV event.
These artists perform music from their homes, and it’s broadcast to their fans for free. Liam Payne reads children’s books on IGTV in support of ‘Save the children’.
Thomas Rhett has released a new song along with Reba McEntire, Keith Urban, and more. Their aim is to inspire people to share their “light” by making signs and drawings showing support for medical staff on the front lines.
Music Is Good and Does Good
Music is obviously a huge part of our lives. Always has been, always will be. What’s really cool about it is how it does good for us in so many ways. Keeping us focused, calm, excited, and united. You see, if you think about it, music touches our lives in so many ways…it can’t help but be good!