Anyone that has the talent and ability to quilt has my utmost respect. I have never tried my hand at quilting, but I can certainly see how one can grow a strong passion and love for it. Quilting requires great attention to detail and patience, both of which impact the finished product. The beauty of these works of art is obviously visual, but it’s deeper than that.
The Tradition Started Long Ago
If you think back to your childhood, you may remember seeing quilts on the bed at your grandma’s house. Like me, you probably didn’t think much about them except when grandma warned you to, ‘be careful with the quilts.’ We probably didn’t have any idea what those quilts were at the time. They may have been family heirlooms or one given to her by a special friend. Who knows, some of those might have been from the Civil War era. How cool, a part of our storied US history. Bet I’ve got you thinking about those quilts in the chest now!
Sure Is A Lot Of Work…But It’s All Good
Countless hours go into making even the simplest quilts. As with learning any skill, quilt making surely takes trial and error to perfect. I have been taught from a young age that it takes hard work and commitment to achieve your goals. Making quilts takes plenty of both to end up with the finished product.
One might ask why so many quiltmakers put all that work in just to give it away? First of all, I would say there’s no doubt they have a heart and passion for making the quilts. Secondly, giving them to others most likely gives them a sense of purpose. Many quilts are assigned to groups and organizations each year as gifts or to use for fundraisers. Most everyone likes to get behind a purpose or cause, and quiltmakers are definitely in that category.
The National Quilt Museum
Quilts For Vets
In the community of Marion in southern Illinois, the Little Egypt Quilters took time to honor local heroes. Recently the group honored three veterans with specially made quilts to recognize their time spent defending our country. This group of quilters are doing huge amounts of good for these and other veterans.
Doing Good
God gives every one of us our individual talents. Some are good with numbers, some with a hammer, some with the gift to teach. What is really important is how we use those talents and gifts. Obviously, we have to use them to help us make a living and provide for our families. Just the same, though, we are to use those gifts to help others in any way possible. I think it’s amazing that these people and thousands more around the world use quilts as a way to do good for others.
Next time you wrap yourself up in a quilt, think of what you read here. Maybe it will inspire you to make a quilt for someone (or maybe not, and that’s ok!), or maybe it will just inspire you to go do good for someone. Either way, I encourage you just to do it…do good!