‘Two is better than one’ is an age-old adage. Two persons with the same likings and temperament are better as a team than working alone. Wendy Blackwell-Moore and Rev.

Tamara Torres and McGovern lived in the same city for years but never met one another. Both expressed their desire to donate their government stimulus checks to the community. After meeting one another, the two Portland women decided to create a website for encouraging others to do likewise.
Fate ordained their meeting
Wendy Blackwell-Moore and Rev. Tamara Torres McGovern both live in the North Deering area of Portland. They had many things in common when it came to philosophy and how to lead one’s life. However, in the present trying times, it was fate that ordained them to meet one another.
Both wanted to donate their government stimulus checks to the community. It was the commonality of the good deed – donating a large part of their stimulus check to a community-based organization that was taking care of the less fortunate. Then they hit an idea-Why not create a website to encourage others with similar thoughts to join in the effort?
Talking to Pressherald.com, Blackwell-Moore said, “I was thinking about how the power in the fund is if you could collectivize it and create mutual aid. I can donate my check, but is that enough?”
Birth of a movement
It was a coincidence that brought Torres McGovern and Blackwell-Moore together and created the synergy. Victoria Morales, a first-term state representative from South Portland and a common friend of both the women, heard their plans, and decided to introduce the two women with one another. Soon the Pledge My Stimulus movement was formed.
Pledge My Stimulus is an online platform that enables Good Samaritans to pledge either part of or their whole stimulus package for doing good. The total pledges as of Thursday afternoon, according to Blackwell-Moore, amounted to $96,742.25.
Committing all or part of a stimulus given by the government is a good deed for sure. Everyone needs a little help some times. Helping others will be noted by God, and when you need assistance, he will never disappoint you. We love hearing of encouraging stories like this one. Tell us about one you might know of in the comments. Who knows, maybe we’ll write about that too.