Crazy relatives
We are now far enough past Christmas to breathe a sigh of relief. The shopping frenzy is over, the exchanges have been made, the decorations are down and stored, and the crazy relatives are home and safe. Even if that is us, our lives are back to normal crazy instead
How do you feel?
“How do you feel?” That’s a question we usually ask someone who has been ill, or hurt physically in some way. The most common response — and I have not conducted a poll — is probably, “Fine.” There is also the old reliable, “Better,” and, popular among pessimists, “I could
Looking back to see forward
Whether or not we are superstitious about numbers, we are all aware of numbers. Recently I was in line at a restaurant counter when the customer in front of me heard the cashier say, “That’ll be $19.54.” He said, “That was a great year — I was born in 1954!”
What if no one was watching you?
Recently I asked a young friend a question. “You’ve played tournament golf at a very high level. What have you learned?” Without hesitating he said, “I’ve learned that no one is watching me.” I knew exactly what he meant. Pretty much everyone who has played in a tournament (basketball, tennis,
The indifference danger
I told my wife I was thinking of writing about indifference and asked her what she thought. She said, “I don’t know and I don’t care.” I knew it was a joke right away. First, that fits her sense of humor. Second, she is not a person of indifference, and
Listen to this…
It seems to me there is a trend toward listening these days, because podcasts are a big deal. My songwriting partner Gary and I had one about 25 years ago, when they were trending but not trendy. But with newer and better technology, podcasts are both easier to produce and
Is there really more good than evil?
Since some time in the Garden of Eden, there has been evil in the world. Here’s a quick recap of the history. Adam and Eve, created by God, were living in the garden. God caused the plants to grow, watering them with a river, and even planted “the tree of
What you and Harry Potter have in common.
Harry James Potter is the fictional title character of seven novels. I’m guessing none of that is true for you. Your name is probably not Harry James Potter, you are not the title character in any novels, and you are not fictional. Some days it might feel like you are
The Ultimate Disruptor
Do a search on disruptors, and the newest big thing you’ll find is from 2021. Either there hasn’t been much disrupting going on the last two years, or the word has gone out of vogue. Words, and even definitions, come and go. Once in a while the new definition prevails,
Should the majority rule?
Do you believe in majority rule? My first experience with majority rule was as a member of my high school student council. Some question would be presented to us, we would discuss it, and if more than one solution was presented we voted. The solution with the most votes won
What Elon Musk said about good and evil
In the age of social media, one of the most well known names is Elon Musk. Notice that I said “well known names,” not well known people. Most of us know very little about the man himself, although we are fairly quick to sum him up because we want to
Passive aggression is not good. Honesty is.
Here is a headline I came across a couple of days ago: Sorry you feel that way: why passive aggression took over the world: From Slack to the dinner table, honesty really is the best policy. Unfortunately the article was “paywalled” (available only to paid subscribers) and therefore remains unread
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