Fervor For Helping Others: The Road Korab Kozgori Has Taken To Achieve Success


Success follows hard work, but what is most rewarding is to help others to succeed. To be successful and collect wealth is an ordinary and banal expression. However, to show others how to achieve gives a feeling of satisfaction, which is unmatched. Korab Kozgari is a perfect example of a person who lives and believes in helping others succeed and improve their living standard.

Kozgari is a well-known name and a great leader of Network Marketing today. He excelled in two completely diverse fields. However, by heart, he was always a Samaritan, which helped him in every venture he took.

His quest for success started and took him across to the most beautiful places in America and Europe. He started his career in the fashion industry and spent eight years refining and augmenting his skills. He succeeded in his first venture, and when a sizeable European Company gave him an irresistible offer, he grabbed it.

A Hollowness


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DICEN QUE EL TIEMPO ES RELATIVO Y yo estoy de acuerdo con eso, tanto así que creo que somos capaces de detenerlo, capaces de vivir cada momento por el tiempo que creamos necesario. Podemos hacer tiempo para crecer y aprender y podemos hacer tiempo para vivir el ahora. ¿Cuánto dura el ahora? ¿Cuánto dura vivir el momento? No tiene duración… Es eterno, como este instante en esta foto, es eterna esa sensación de poder estar viendo a Bella directamente a los ojos, sabiendo que nos acompañamos por siempre, que nos damos fuerza, ese vínculo que logré con ella, me recuerda el poder del ahora, de estar presente. Esta foto es un bonito recordatorio de no dejar de vivir este preciso instante, de disfrutarlo, de crecer con él. Disfrutemos cada segundo que tenemos, en donde sea que estemos y con la compañía que tengamos. Estemos más presentes, para nosotros. #DeltaBeMore ⟁

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It led him to retire from the business world for a while.  A long hiatus followed with Korab enjoying trips and beautiful views across the globe. Still, a hollowness remained in his life. Finally, he realized the truth. He always had a lot to give and that his knowledge could be of great help to others. That’s how his adventure in the network marketing business began.

Altering The Lives Of Thousands Of Families

Korab Kozgiri started with his wife, the company Delta. It has become one of the most recognized in their region and that today is capable of having thousands of members who are changing their lives. Kozgiri had a clear vision before starting any venture. techbullion.com reports that Korab, as a founding member, leads a team of 1500 people.  Korab is helping people change the way they see the world to produce the best results.



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